Administrative Capacity Index (REP)

REP is an Index of Administrative Capacity, which enables the comparative evaluation of Public Administrations (local, national and European), with particular focus on performance, anti-corruption and transparency. It analyses budget, governance, personnel, services, procurement and the environment, using objective data and the methodology of the ESG Sustainability Indices for the corporate world.

Financial situation
Personnel management
Public services and relations with citizens
Public tenders and relations with suppliers


The REP Index uses the methodology of the ESG Sustainability Indices, which have been used for years in the financial markets for the corporate world.

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Summarized here are our core services, plus tailor-made services.

Regions - Health surplus/deficit (euro per capita)

This index verifies the capacity of the entity to cover health expenditure with the revenues allocated for this purpose. Regions with the higher deficit are those with Special Status.

Regions - Personnel expense (euro per capita)

The map shows that the personnel expense is particularly high in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and Trento and in Valle d’Aosta.

Regions - Prompt payment Index (days)

This index verifies the average time in which the entity pays its suppliers of goods and services. Only three Regions pay later than the due date of the invoice.

Regions - Anti-corruption measures

This index evaluates entity's anti-corruption measures which are published in the Report of the Corruption Prevention Officer (RRPCT) (a.v.).

News and Events

La retribuzione media dei medici

La retribuzione media dei medici

Nel dibattito pubblico italiano la retribuzione dei dipendenti pubblici è un tema ricorrente e spesso trattato in modo superficiale, senza dati oggettivi.

Personale sanitario e performance: le assunzioni di medici e infermieri

Personale sanitario e performance: le assunzioni di medici e infermieri

Un approfondimento sulle variabili che concorrono a una gestione virtuosa del personale, che deve avere l'obiettivo di garantire ai cittadini l'assistenza dovuta

Tempestività dei pagamenti: un indicatore utile per imprenditori e cittadini

Tempestività dei pagamenti: un indicatore utile per imprenditori e cittadini

Meno ritardi nei pagamenti delle PA alle imprese. Merito (anche) degli incentivi?

Regions and real estate assets

Regions and real estate assets

Do Regions enhance their real estate properties?


Who is the Administrative Capacity Index for?


Are you a Public Administration that wants to become more efficient and transparent, to attract investors and to engage citizens?

Governments and European Institutions

Are you a Government that wants to spend public money better, or a European Institution that wants to map the quality of PAs?

Businesses and citizens

Are you a business that participates in public tenders? Are you a citizen who wants to monitor your own Municipality?

Banks and investors

Are you a bank that needs to advance companies' receivables from PAs? Are you an institutional investor who wants to invest in the territory?

We work with

Fondazione Cariplo
Comune di Milano
Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale
World Bank Group
Dipartimento per gli Affari Regionali e le Autonomie
Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica
European Commission
Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione
Regione Lombardia
Regione Toscana
FMPS - Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Corriere della Sera
Città di Cuneo
ANCI Lombardia
EGEA - Energie del Territorio
Comune di Grosseto
Comune di Marcallo con Casone
Federazione Nazionale dei Cavalieri del Lavoro
Open Government Partnership

Research center in Public Administration

REP Srl is a Research Centre focused on Public Administrations, a spin off of Fondazione Etica's public sector analysis and evaluation activities.

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