Regioni, cosa non sappiamo (2022)

Ed. Rubettino (2022), edited by Paola Caporossi, with a preface by Nicola de Michelis.
To request the book, click here


I comuni e la sfida della sostenibilità (2021)


Ed. Rubettino (2021), by Paola Caporossi, with a preface by Fabrizio Barca.
To request the book, click here


Regioni, un motore di riparare (2020)


Ed. Rubbettino (2020), by Paola Caporossi, with a preface by Gregorio Gitti.
To request the book, click here.


Also published the English version of the Report "Regions, an engine to be repaired".
“Regions, an engine to be repaired”, Ed. Rubettino (2021)

Ed. Rubbettino (2019), by Paola Caporossi, with a preface by Luciano Fontana.
To request the book, click here.


W le Regioni? (2019)

To request the book, click here.

The Report on the Regions is also available in the English version with a preface by Jeff Thindwa.

“W the Regions?”, Rubbettino (2019)


To request the book, click here.


Nè smart nè open, intanto città – Secondo Rapporto sul Rating Pubblico dei Comuni: valutazione comparata della performance, trasparenza, anti-corruzione (2018)


Ed. Rubbettino (2018), by Paola Caporossi, with a preface by Giovanni Vetritto.
To request the book, click here.


Come rendere efficienti e trasparenti le Pubbliche Amministrazioni – Primo Rapporto sui Comuni italiani tra luoghi comuni e sorprese (2017)

E. Rubbettino (2017), by Paola Caporossi, with a preface by Giovanni Bazoli.
To request the book, click here.

The Report is also available in the English version.
"From Corruption to Civic Partecipation – Making Public Administration More Open, Accountable and Efficient" , YCP, (2017)

To request the book, click here.