• Rating classes

  • PPP+ - Excellent (90, 100)
  • PPP - Very Good (80, 89)
  • PP+ - Good (60, 79)
  • PP - Satisfactory (50, 59)
  • P+ - Weak (40, 49)
  • P - Poor (20, 39)
  • F - Fallible (1, 19)

Compare Public Administrations

Administrative Capacity Index

PP+ - Good

Macro-indicators list

P - Poor
Indicator Value Score Evaluation
Financial autonomy 83.8 1 Low
Financial pressure per capita 2,653.8 4 Medium
Collection capacity 79.3 5 Medium
Spending capacity 81.7 5 Medium
Spending rigidity 7.0 4 Medium
Debt per capita 441.4 4 Medium
Off-budget debts recognized and financed 0.0 8 High
Coverage of current expenditure and loan repayments through current revenues 101.3 1 Low
New liabilities generated in the current period on the current accumulated liabilities 87.4 1 Low
Capital account expenditure financed by loans and bonds 35.2 1 Low
Deficit/surplus on health expenditure per capita -43.3 1 Low
EU funds management - effected payments 69.0 4 Medium

PP - Satisfactory
Indicator Value Score Evaluation
E- Government 110.0 1 Low
Degree of digitalization 0.9 4 Medium
Performance 111.0 8 High
Working from home (WFH) 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - report 0.0 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management -0.2 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies 130.0 8 High
Anti-corruption measures undertaken 8.8 5 Medium
Service outsourcing 2.5 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting 11.0 6 High
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision 11.0 6 High
Average completion time for public works 0.9 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision 15.0 1 Low

PP+ - Good
Indicator Value Score Evaluation
Per capita personnel expenditure 53.1 5 Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants 1.2 5 Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel 1.7 5 Medium
Average age 51.9 10 High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel 54.4 8 High
Average days of absence (except holidays and training) 13.6 8 High
Average of training days 0.1 1 Low
Total managers on total personnel 4.4 5 Medium
Women managers on total managers 50.0 8 High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers 100.0 4 Medium
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers 99.8 4 Medium

PP+ - Good
Indicator Value Score Evaluation
Landline high-speed internet access covering 47.6 8 High
Per capita expenditure on transport and right to mobility 171.2 4 Medium
Per capita expenditure on economic development and competitiveness 11.0 4 Medium
Per capita expenditure on labour policies and vocational education 76.6 4 Medium
Hospital migration 13.7 1 Low
Beds in residential healthcare facilities per 10k inhabitants 112.6 6 High
Integrated Home Care services 2.9 4 Medium
Accredited private healthcare facilities per 10k inhabitants 2.6 4 Medium
Per capita territorial pharmaceutical expenditure 9.4 6 High
Essential levels of care - prevention area 73.0 4 Medium
Essential levels of care - territorial area 85.9 8 High
Essential levels of care - hospital area 73.6 4 Medium
Services guaranteed in time (priority class B) 91.7 4 Medium

PPP+ - Excellent
Indicator Value Score Evaluation
Direct procurements on global public tenders - number 51.6 8 High
Direct procurements on global public tenders - amount 1.2 8 High
Timeliness of payments indicator -28.3 20 High
Per capita total amount of debts with suppliers 0.1 16 High
Number of corporate creditor per 10k inhabitants 0.1 16 High
Settlement of commercial debts incurred during the fiscal year 82.9 16 High
Settlement of commercial debts incurred during previous years 66.3 16 High

P - Poor
Indicator Value Score Evaluation
Air quality - PM 2.5 56.7 6 Medium
Land consumption 7.3 6 Medium
Contaminated sites 5.1 5 Medium
Urban waste disposal at landfill 39.6 1 Low
Soil waterproofing due to artificial covering 7.8 5 Medium
Electricity consumption covered by renewable sources 7.3 1 Low
Population exposed to landslide risk 5.9 1 Low
Population exposed to flood risk 17.4 1 Low
Per capita expenditure on sustainable development and environmental protection 12.4 6 Medium