• Rating classes

  • PPP+ - Excellent (90, 100)
  • PPP - Very Good (80, 89)
  • PP+ - Good (60, 79)
  • PP - Satisfactory (50, 59)
  • P+ - Weak (40, 49)
  • P - Poor (20, 39)
  • F - Fallible (1, 19)

Personnel management

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Territorial distribution of the rating

Rating class ND - Unavailable F - Fallible P - Poor P+ - Weak PP - Satisfactory PP+ - Good PPP - Very Good PPP+ - Excellent ND - Unavailable F - Fallible P - Poor P+ - Weak PP - Satisfactory PP+ - Good PPP - Very Good PPP+ - Excellent ND - Unavailable F - Fallible P - Poor P+ - Weak PP - Satisfactory PP+ - Good PPP - Very Good PPP+ - Excellent
North 0 0 1 2 3 3 0 0
Center 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0
South 0 0 4 2 1 1 0 0

Distribution of Public Administrations with respect to the rating class

Rating class Number of administrations
ND - Unavailable 0
F - Fallible 0
P - Poor 5
P+ - Weak 6
PP - Satisfactory 4
PP+ - Good 6
PPP - Very Good 0
PPP+ - Excellent 0

Benchmark score

Average score of the Public Administrations
Worst score

Public Administrations Ranking

Public Administration Score Rating class
Emilia-Romagna 74 5 | PP+ - Good
Lombardia 64 5 | PP+ - Good
Piemonte 64 5 | PP+ - Good
Toscana 63 5 | PP+ - Good
Campania 61 5 | PP+ - Good
Marche 60 5 | PP+ - Good
Puglia 56 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Veneto 55 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Liguria 51 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Valle d'Aosta 51 4 | PP - Satisfactory
P.A. Bolzano 47 3 | P+ - Weak
P.A. Trento 44 3 | P+ - Weak
Lazio 42 3 | P+ - Weak
Basilicata 41 3 | P+ - Weak
Sardegna 40 3 | P+ - Weak
Umbria 40 3 | P+ - Weak
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 35 2 | P - Poor
Abruzzo 34 2 | P - Poor
Calabria 34 2 | P - Poor
Sicilia 30 2 | P - Poor
Molise 28 2 | P - Poor
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Public Administration
Administrative Capacity Index: score
Chronological trend
Rating class
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 66 good | PP+ - Good
2022 74 good | PP+ - Good
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 38.71 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 39.31 high | High
2022 38.71 high | High
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.75 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 3.29 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 3.63 medium | Medium
2022 3.29 medium | Medium
Average age years 53.06 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.43 medium | Medium
2022 53.06 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 60.04 High score for high values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 57.04 high | High
2022 60.04 high | High
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 14.02 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 7.45 medium | Medium
2022 14.02 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 3.27 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 46.79 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 100.0 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 100.0 low | Low
2022 100.0 low | Low
Average of training days days per person 3.21 High score for high values 10 Trend not available High
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 83.33 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 86.02 medium | Medium
2022 83.33 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 95 excellent | PPP+ - Excellent
2022 64 good | PP+ - Good
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 15.28 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 15.77 high | High
2022 15.28 high | High
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.31 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.32 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.34 high | High
2022 0.32 high | High
Average age years 52.71 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.02 high | High
2022 52.71 high | High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 45.06 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 43.65 medium | Medium
2022 45.06 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 26.35 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 6.91 high | High
2022 26.35 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 5.14 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 37.11 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 87.4 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 84.87 high | High
2022 87.4 high | High
Average of training days days per person 0.29 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 168.68 High score for high values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 160.14 high | High
2022 168.68 high | High
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 66 good | PP+ - Good
2022 64 good | PP+ - Good
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 42.16 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 45.0 high | High
2022 42.16 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.74 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.22 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 high | High
2022 0.22 high | High
Average age years 53.88 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 54.41 medium | Medium
2022 53.88 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 47.94 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 46.17 medium | Medium
2022 47.94 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 12.71 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 5.64 high | High
2022 12.71 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 3.35 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 40.95 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 94.59 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 98.7 medium | Medium
2022 94.59 medium | Medium
Average of training days days per person 0.51 High score for high values 5 Trend not available Medium
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 85.65 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 28.41 low | Low
2022 85.65 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 81 verygood | PPP - Very Good
2022 63 good | PP+ - Good
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 44.71 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 44.08 high | High
2022 44.71 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.85 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 1.2 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 4.09 medium | Medium
2022 1.2 medium | Medium
Average age years 53.56 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.11 high | High
2022 53.56 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 53.54 High score for high values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 51.8 high | High
2022 53.54 high | High
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 13.14 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 6.92 high | High
2022 13.14 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 3.22 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 38.0 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 92.41 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 88.85 high | High
2022 92.41 medium | Medium
Average of training days days per person 0.73 High score for high values 5 Trend not available Medium
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 138.6 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 68.5 medium | Medium
2022 138.6 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 52 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
2022 61 good | PP+ - Good
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 39.58 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 43.57 high | High
2022 39.58 high | High
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.7 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.0 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 high | High
2022 0.0 high | High
Average age years 55.33 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 56.41 low | Low
2022 55.33 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 46.03 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 45.58 medium | Medium
2022 46.03 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 21.41 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 10.1 low | Low
2022 21.41 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 4.1 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 46.3 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 100.0 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 nd | N.A.
2022 100.0 low | Low
Average of training days days per person 1.74 High score for high values 10 Trend not available High
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 24.39 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 nd | N.A.
2022 24.39 low | Low
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 71 good | PP+ - Good
2022 60 good | PP+ - Good
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 56.81 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 58.19 medium | Medium
2022 56.81 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 1.36 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 3.19 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.38 high | High
2022 3.19 medium | Medium
Average age years 53.15 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.17 high | High
2022 53.15 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 51.14 High score for high values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 51.48 high | High
2022 51.14 high | High
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 18.71 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.74 medium | Medium
2022 18.71 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 2.97 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Women managers on total managers % 40.0 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 92.67 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 100.0 low | Low
2022 92.67 medium | Medium
Average of training days days per person 0.01 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 171.81 High score for high values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 168.37 high | High
2022 171.81 high | High
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 62 good | PP+ - Good
2022 56 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 39.46 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 41.75 high | High
2022 39.46 high | High
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.67 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.0 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 high | High
2022 0.0 high | High
Average age years 54.71 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 55.09 low | Low
2022 54.71 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 43.62 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 38.16 low | Low
2022 43.62 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 24.11 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.56 medium | Medium
2022 24.11 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 4.42 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 46.55 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 97.01 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 95.9 medium | Medium
2022 97.01 low | Low
Average of training days days per person 0.18 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 65.02 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 108.53 medium | Medium
2022 65.02 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 85 verygood | PPP - Very Good
2022 55 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 25.32 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 26.73 high | High
2022 25.32 high | High
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.56 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.52 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.41 medium | Medium
2022 0.52 high | High
Average age years 52.43 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 52.71 high | High
2022 52.43 high | High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 51.0 High score for high values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 48.58 high | High
2022 51.0 high | High
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 17.86 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 6.66 high | High
2022 17.86 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 4.57 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 27.64 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 98.72 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 93.77 medium | Medium
2022 98.72 low | Low
Average of training days days per person 0.38 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 32.84 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 97.88 medium | Medium
2022 32.84 low | Low
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 58 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
2022 51 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 46.27 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 44.18 high | High
2022 46.27 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 1.0 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 4.14 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 5.27 low | Low
2022 4.14 medium | Medium
Average age years 53.05 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 54.11 medium | Medium
2022 53.05 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 48.05 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 46.1 medium | Medium
2022 48.05 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 13.75 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 2.6 high | High
2022 13.75 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 4.62 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 51.43 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 2.01 High score for high values 10 Trend not available High
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 38.35 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 27.93 low | Low
2022 38.35 low | Low
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 48 weak | P+ - Weak
2022 51 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 1,849.31 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 1870.32 low | Low
2022 1849.31 low | Low
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 41.05 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 7.17 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 3.58 medium | Medium
2022 7.17 low | Low
Average age years 48.83 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 50.57 high | High
2022 48.83 high | High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 46.6 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 42.67 medium | Medium
2022 46.6 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 20.96 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 5.1 high | High
2022 20.96 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 1.82 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Women managers on total managers % 35.87 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 95.14 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 93.5 medium | Medium
2022 95.14 medium | Medium
Average of training days days per person 2.59 High score for high values 10 Trend not available High
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 154.29 High score for high values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 207.59 high | High
2022 154.29 high | High
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 39 poor | P - Poor
2022 47 weak | P+ - Weak
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 1,917.94 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 1941.85 low | Low
2022 1917.94 low | Low
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 34.32 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 17.25 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 21.41 low | Low
2022 17.25 low | Low
Average age years 48.52 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 48.38 high | High
2022 48.52 high | High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 43.93 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 43.16 medium | Medium
2022 43.93 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 17.68 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 2.8 high | High
2022 17.68 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 2.46 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Women managers on total managers % 43.56 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 99.03 High score for low values 4 Trend not available Medium
Average of training days days per person 0.16 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 145.14 High score for high values 5 Trend not available Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 24 poor | P - Poor
2022 44 weak | P+ - Weak
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 1,357.46 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 1336.07 low | Low
2022 1357.46 low | Low
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 29.41 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 9.12 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 7.66 low | Low
2022 9.12 low | Low
Average age years 49.41 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 51.59 high | High
2022 49.41 high | High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 55.28 High score for high values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 45.12 medium | Medium
2022 55.28 high | High
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 19.7 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.1 medium | Medium
2022 19.7 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 0.59 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Women managers on total managers % 29.79 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 0.69 High score for high values 5 Trend not available Medium
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 123.08 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 nd | N.A.
2022 123.08 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 57 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
2022 42 weak | P+ - Weak
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 51.57 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 44.58 high | High
2022 51.57 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 0.82 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.07 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 high | High
2022 0.07 high | High
Average age years 53.13 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.63 medium | Medium
2022 53.13 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 34.15 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 31.71 low | Low
2022 34.15 low | Low
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 22.37 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 13.58 low | Low
2022 22.37 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 4.59 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 40.65 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 0.02 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 144.28 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 144.28 high | High
2022 144.28 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 43 weak | P+ - Weak
2022 41 weak | P+ - Weak
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 2.15 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 0.5 High score for low values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.73 medium | Medium
2022 0.5 high | High
Average age years 57.71 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 57.49 low | Low
2022 57.71 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 32.59 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 32.75 low | Low
2022 32.59 low | Low
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 16.39 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.18 medium | Medium
2022 16.39 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 4.04 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 29.79 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 74.86 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 98.91 medium | Medium
2022 74.86 high | High
Average of training days days per person 0.21 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 96.41 High score for high values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 215.79 high | High
2022 96.41 medium | Medium
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 46 weak | P+ - Weak
2022 40 weak | P+ - Weak
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 138.51 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 151.19 medium | Medium
2022 138.51 low | Low
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 2.24 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 1.37 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.0 high | High
2022 1.37 medium | Medium
Average age years 54.1 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.97 medium | Medium
2022 54.1 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 40.21 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 37.6 low | Low
2022 40.21 low | Low
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 19.98 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 9.07 medium | Medium
2022 19.98 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 3.03 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Women managers on total managers % 45.37 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 0.67 High score for high values 5 Trend not available Medium
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 0.0 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 52 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
2022 40 weak | P+ - Weak
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 65.52 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 73.22 medium | Medium
2022 65.52 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 1.26 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 8.21 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.25 low | Low
2022 8.21 low | Low
Average age years 54.41 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 54.11 medium | Medium
2022 54.41 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 50.18 High score for high values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 48.76 high | High
2022 50.18 high | High
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 19.2 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.68 medium | Medium
2022 19.2 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 3.78 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 34.15 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 1.23 High score for high values 10 Trend not available High
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance n.d. High score for high values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 52 satisfactory | PP - Satisfactory
2022 35 poor | P - Poor
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 149.89 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 163.1 medium | Medium
2022 149.89 low | Low
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 2.95 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 2.93 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 3.1 medium | Medium
2022 2.93 medium | Medium
Average age years 52.84 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 53.1 high | High
2022 52.84 high | High
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 46.2 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 45.19 medium | Medium
2022 46.2 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 21.48 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.53 medium | Medium
2022 21.48 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 2.95 High score for low values 10 Trend not available High
Women managers on total managers % 38.46 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 0.08 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance n.d. High score for high values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 46 weak | P+ - Weak
2022 34 poor | P - Poor
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 51.88 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 55.44 medium | Medium
2022 51.88 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 1.12 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 1.11 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 1.34 medium | Medium
2022 1.11 medium | Medium
Average age years 54.98 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 55.9 low | Low
2022 54.98 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 47.93 High score for high values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 44.41 medium | Medium
2022 47.93 medium | Medium
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 17.72 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 8.71 medium | Medium
2022 17.72 medium | Medium
Total managers on total personnel % 3.99 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Women managers on total managers % 38.6 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 0.03 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance n.d. High score for high values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 41 weak | P+ - Weak
2022 34 poor | P - Poor
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 60.84 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 58.82 medium | Medium
2022 60.84 medium | Medium
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 1.29 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 2.01 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 0.53 medium | Medium
2022 2.01 medium | Medium
Average age years 53.55 High score for low values 4
Year Value Evaluation
2021 54.73 medium | Medium
2022 53.55 medium | Medium
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 37.46 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 35.34 low | Low
2022 37.46 low | Low
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 10.04 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 6.25 high | High
2022 10.04 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 4.68 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 42.86 High score for high values 4 Trend not available Medium
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Average of training days days per person 0.08 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance n.d. High score for high values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 35 poor | P - Poor
2022 30 poor | P - Poor
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. n.d. High score for low values 0 Trend not available N.A.
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 2.49 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 2.19 High score for low values 5
Year Value Evaluation
2021 4.12 medium | Medium
2022 2.19 medium | Medium
Average age years 56.68 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 56.18 low | Low
2022 56.68 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 25.01 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 25.38 low | Low
2022 25.01 low | Low
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 20.87 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 11.68 low | Low
2022 20.87 low | Low
Total managers on total personnel % 7.46 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 30.51 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 68.1 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 78.92 high | High
2022 68.1 high | High
Average of training days days per person 0.2 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance 309.18 High score for high values 10
Year Value Evaluation
2021 24.8 low | Low
2022 309.18 high | High
Year Rating Evaluation
2021 23 poor | P - Poor
2022 28 poor | P - Poor
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Personnel management

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Trend Evaluation of the indicator
Per capita personnel expenditure € p.c. 130.45 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 111.87 medium | Medium
2022 130.45 low | Low
Personnel with a permanent contract per 1,000 inhabitants val./1.000 ab. 1.57 High score for low values 5 Trend not available Medium
Personnel with fixed-term contract on total personnel % 16.12 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 14.84 low | Low
2022 16.12 low | Low
Average age years 57.86 High score for low values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 58.81 low | Low
2022 57.86 low | Low
Personnel with a degree on total personnel % 36.03 High score for high values 1
Year Value Evaluation
2021 33.91 low | Low
2022 36.03 low | Low
Average days of absence (sick leave) days per person 12.96 High score for low values 8
Year Value Evaluation
2021 7.87 medium | Medium
2022 12.96 high | High
Total managers on total personnel % 5.9 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Women managers on total managers % 48.15 High score for high values 8 Trend not available High
Provided bonus out of allocated ones to managers % 100.0 High score for low values 1 Trend not available Low
Average of training days days per person 0.24 High score for high values 1 Trend not available Low
Degree of differentiation of bonus paid to managers variance n.d. High score for high values 0 Trend not available N.A.