• Rating classes

  • PPP+ - Excellent (90, 100)
  • PPP - Very Good (80, 89)
  • PP+ - Good (60, 79)
  • PP - Satisfactory (50, 59)
  • P+ - Weak (40, 49)
  • P - Poor (20, 39)
  • F - Fallible (1, 19)


Filter by:

Territorial distribution of the rating

Rating class ND - Unavailable F - Fallible P - Poor P+ - Weak PP - Satisfactory PP+ - Good PPP - Very Good PPP+ - Excellent ND - Unavailable F - Fallible P - Poor P+ - Weak PP - Satisfactory PP+ - Good PPP - Very Good PPP+ - Excellent ND - Unavailable F - Fallible P - Poor P+ - Weak PP - Satisfactory PP+ - Good PPP - Very Good PPP+ - Excellent
North 0 0 0 4 4 1 0 0
Center 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0
South 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 0

Distribution of Public Administrations with respect to the rating class

Rating class Number of administrations
ND - Unavailable 0
F - Fallible 0
P - Poor 9
P+ - Weak 6
PP - Satisfactory 5
PP+ - Good 1
PPP - Very Good 0
PPP+ - Excellent 0

Benchmark score

Average score of the Public Administrations
Worst score

Public Administrations Ranking

Public Administration Score Rating class
Emilia-Romagna 65 5 | PP+ - Good
Marche 59 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Liguria 58 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Veneto 54 4 | PP - Satisfactory
P.A. Trento 53 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Lombardia 52 4 | PP - Satisfactory
Piemonte 49 3 | P+ - Weak
Toscana 48 3 | P+ - Weak
Valle d'Aosta 48 3 | P+ - Weak
Puglia 47 3 | P+ - Weak
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 42 3 | P+ - Weak
P.A. Bolzano 40 3 | P+ - Weak
Umbria 37 2 | P - Poor
Abruzzo 35 2 | P - Poor
Calabria 35 2 | P - Poor
Sicilia 35 2 | P - Poor
Campania 34 2 | P - Poor
Lazio 32 2 | P - Poor
Sardegna 29 2 | P - Poor
Basilicata 25 2 | P - Poor
Molise 21 2 | P - Poor
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Public Administration
Administrative Capacity Index: score
Chronological trend
Rating class
Trend not available
PP+ - Good

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.315 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -2.3333 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 130.0 High score for high values 8 High
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 1.88 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 6 High
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 6 High
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.0866 High score for low values 2 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 61.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 108.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Performance absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.7389 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.0 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 2.49 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.2133 High score for low values 2 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 35.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.87 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Working from home (WFH) absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 0.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.1796 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 130.0 High score for high values 8 High
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 2.45 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 6 High
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 6 High
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.9243 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 15.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Trend not available
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 103.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.33 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.3088 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 130.0 High score for high values 8 High
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 1.88 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.1959 High score for low values 2 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 54.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.93 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value 0.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -19.356 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 130.0 High score for high values 8 High
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 10 High
Service outsourcing % 3.6 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.8792 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 28.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Trend not available
PP - Satisfactory

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 112.0 High score for high values 8 High
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.315 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. 0.0987 High score for high values 8 High
Subsidiary companies absolute value 75.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 2.9 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.8409 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 63.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 115.0 High score for high values 8 High
Degree of digitalization absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Performance absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Working from home (WFH) absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -1.2647 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 108.3333 High score for high values 8 High
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 0.5 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value n.d. High score for low values 0 N.A.
Compliance with public works supervision % 84.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 107.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.315 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 101.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 0.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.5461 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 97.5 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 6.64 High score for low values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.103 High score for low values 2 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 57.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 104.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value 1.41 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 101.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -22.8817 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 9.9 High score for high values 10 High
Service outsourcing % 6.54 High score for low values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.8484 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 3.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Trend not available
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.045 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.1853 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 20.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 9.9 High score for high values 10 High
Service outsourcing % 3.51 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.8065 High score for low values 1 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 31.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.83 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.4953 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 92.8571 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 5.5 High score for high values 1 Low
Service outsourcing % 4.41 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 1.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 2.0041 High score for low values 1 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 16.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Trend not available
P+ - Weak

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 118.0 High score for high values 8 High
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.98 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -9.3132 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 82.7273 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 7.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Service outsourcing % 4.73 High score for low values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 1.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.0279 High score for low values 2 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 19.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 106.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.225 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 101.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.2554 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 7.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Service outsourcing % 1.94 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.9308 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 37.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 119.0 High score for high values 8 High
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.195 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 111.0 High score for high values 8 High
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -1.9608 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 33.3333 High score for high values 1 Low
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.0 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 4.61 High score for low values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.7739 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 35.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 0.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.03 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 11.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.3481 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 32.5 High score for high values 1 Low
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 3.22 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.6652 High score for low values 1 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 87.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 107.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value 12.0 High score for high values 8 High
Performance absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -6.5434 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 9.9 High score for high values 10 High
Service outsourcing % 3.2 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.8853 High score for low values 1 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 26.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 7.5 High score for high values 8 High
Performance absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 101.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 1.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.9244 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 62.5 High score for high values 1 Low
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 5.93 High score for low values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value n.d. High score for low values 0 N.A.
Compliance with public works supervision % 94.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 103.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.09 High score for high values 1 Low
Performance absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 101.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.1227 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 104.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 5.23 High score for low values 1 Low
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.4905 High score for low values 1 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 36.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 110.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.765 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Working from home (WFH) absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -1.0707 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value 50.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 8.8 High score for high values 5 Medium
Service outsourcing % 4.0 High score for low values 5 Medium
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.8823 High score for low values 1 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 56.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value 104.0 High score for high values 4 Medium
Degree of digitalization absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Performance absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Working from home (WFH) absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value 100.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -0.0248 High score for high values 4 Medium
Subsidiary companies absolute value 66.6667 High score for high values 1 Low
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 4.4 High score for high values 1 Low
Service outsourcing % n.d. High score for low values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value 10.0 High score for high values 3 Medium
Average completion time for public works mean value 1.029 High score for low values 2 Medium
Compliance with public works supervision % 65.0 High score for high values 8 High
Trend not available
P - Poor

Indicators of the macro-indicator - Governance

Indicator name Unit of measure Value Scoring criteria Score Evaluation of the indicator
E- Government absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Degree of digitalization absolute value 0.45 High score for high values 4 Medium
Performance absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Working from home (WFH) absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - report absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Public Real Estate properties - management € p.c. -1.5863 High score for high values 1 Low
Subsidiary companies absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Anti-corruption measures undertaken absolute value 2.0 High score for high values 1 Low
Service outsourcing % 0.22 High score for low values 10 High
Efficiency indicator - reporting absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Efficiency indicator - timing supervision absolute value n.d. High score for high values 0 N.A.
Average completion time for public works mean value 0.9459 High score for low values 4 High
Compliance with public works supervision % 21.0 High score for high values 1 Low