News and Events

Project Italiae - Webinar June, 23rd

Project Italiae - Webinar June, 23rd

20 June 2023

Workshop “Transparency, legality and efficiency”

The Multistakeholder Forum within the Open Gov Week 2023

The Multistakeholder Forum within the Open Gov Week 2023

09 May 2023

The Italian Anti-corruption Authority hosts the Multistakeholder Forum, to which Fondazione Etica belongs.

The New Report on Regions is available

The New Report on Regions is available

27 April 2023

"Regions, what we don't know. Do we need more autonomy, more cohesion or more efficiency?" Edited by Paola Caporossi - Preface by Nicola De Michelis

Our data on regional budget published by Corriere della Sera

Our data on regional budget published by Corriere della Sera

25 March 2023

The main factor that impacts regional performance seems to be economic wealth: a high GDP per capita is not sufficient for a Region to manage well their budget, but at the same time it is highly improbable that a Region with low GDP is able to perform well.

Collaboration with the Ministry of Public Administration signed

Collaboration with the Ministry of Public Administration signed

20 March 2023

With the signing of the memorandum of understanding with the Fondazione Etica, the main objective - declares Minister Dadone - is to promote good practices of transparency on PA data, so that they are easily accessible and usable by citizens.

Regional PA Digitalization

Regional PA Digitalization

15 March 2023

The indicator analyses the Regional effort towards the digitalisation of their services and internal processes, according to what has been established by the National Digital Agenda.

Protocol signed with the Cohesion Agency

Protocol signed with the Cohesion Agency

01 March 2023

The Director of the Territorial Cohesion Agency, Massimo Sabatini, signed the memorandum of understanding with the Ethical Foundation

REP sul Corriere della Sera

REP sul Corriere della Sera

14 November 2022

Il Corriere della Sera ha pubblicato i primi risultati del Rating Pubblico 2022 dei Comuni capoluogo di provincia.

Ethics Foundation at the Europe Regional Event

Ethics Foundation at the Europe Regional Event

22 October 2022

The OGP Europe Regional Event will be held in Rome on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 October
